Let’s start the year with a bang!
Happy weekend!
As we begin to return from the festive season high into the spring start of the year, let’s get set to go on a really exciting year for us at The Psychology Practice.
We’re set for our formal Grand Opening start of February 2019, and with a full team of 5 psychotherapists, we’re ready to provide a little more than just a new psychological practice in central Tanglin, Singapore. In fact, this year promises to be full of interesting surprises and things well placed for anyone keen on learning a bit of Psychology, understanding oneself, and learning how to apply psychological principles in multiple contexts. So stay tuned for more, from our front desk, as we are set to provide value for any of our followers and subscribers. So a big shoutout to all our partners, and supporters over the past year, as we enter into the next chapter of our brand, from psychology blog to a full on specialist psychological service.
Lookout for us at the Festival of Love 2019!
We’d like to announce our partaking into the inaugural large-scale, ten-day event called the Festival of Love, from 14 to 24 February 2019! Check them out on their website at http://festoflove.com for more information and details. As the website suggests, “This festival features 27 professionals from various backgrounds and fields to provide you an all-rounded take on the many different types of love…. hence, the name: the Festival of Love!”
#FestofLove #yourneedsarekeptinmind @thepsychpractice
Have a look at the two-day conference schedule here at https://festoflove.com/conference/ where we’re scheduled to discuss some interesting findings in Attachment, Love, and Addiction on 16 February @ 11.30am - “Attached to My Substance”: The search for interpersonal security through substance dependence.
If you’d like to see us speak, get your tickets at the conference link here.
Ticket prices go at:
One day S$70.00 per pax 16 Feb 2019
One day S$70.00 per pax 17 Feb 2019
Two days S$100 per pax 16 and 17 Feb 2019
Come as couple for two days for S$160
The Festival of Love Conference
will run 16 – 17 Feb 2019, 9 – 5pm at Second Storey Cafe Bar.
Date: Sat and Sun 16 – 17 Feb 2019
Time: 9:00am. – 5:00pm
Venue: Second Storey Cafe Bar. 19 East Coast Road #02-01 Singapore 428746
See you there!
Why are we so difficult to love?
Ahead of the upcoming hype of the conference, here’s something to chew on, as we tease (pun intended) ourselves to consider our individual patterns of relating with others and how it can be a difficult and painful process to love and be loved. Get ourselves thinking about these common issues, and check out the video from The School of Life.
An evening with the Murdoch Uni Psychology Society Singapore.